老外实地体验 GFW
今天例行看 Google Reader,一篇 O'Reilly Radar 的小文(主题是通过 Flickr 图片比较各国鸡肉的不同做法,比如美国的炸鸡翅,中国的煲鸡汤),文末作者附加了这段话:
This post is somewhat apropos as I am in China right now. So far it's very random what sites I can get to and what I can't. I can get to Flickr, but quite often images won't load; I can't get to the Flickr blog. I can get to Google, but can't get on the Wikipedia entry I want to read. I couldn't actually get to Dan's blog (link above), but I could reach the Apple Store to get podcasts.
Great Filter Wall